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Photo supreme manual

photo supreme manual

There are seventeen districts throughout the State.

photo supreme manual

Judges of Compensation Claims adjudicate disputes over workers compensation benefits. The Office of Judges of Compensation Claims is statutorily created within the Department of Management Services. However, when a judicial vacancy occurs on a county or circuit court, the Governor appoints a successor. District court judges and Supreme Court justices are appointed by the Governor. County and circuit court judges are elected. There are five district courts of appeal and one Supreme Court. There are sixty-seven county courts and twenty circuit courts. The Florida court system is comprised of county and circuit courts at the trial level, and district courts of appeal and a Supreme Court at the appellate level.


  • Florida Judicial Nominating Commissioner Manual (2015).
  • Judicial Nominating Commissioner Appointment Application.
  • Judicial Appointment Application 2022 (word).
  • Judicial Appointment Application 2022 (pdf).
  • We hope you find this feature of the Governor’s website informative and helpful. Judicial applications and judicial nominating commission applications (Gubernatorial and Bar) are also easily accessible.

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    Users are also able to track an appointment by accessing documents memorializing each step of the process. Scroll down to find links to regularly updated lists of county, circuit, and district court judges, as well as Supreme Court justices and judicial nominating commission members. You will also find information on the Florida court system, judicial nominating commissions, and the judicial nominating process. Here you will find access to current, vacant, and pending judicial and judicial nominating commission appointments. Welcome to Governor DeSantis’ judicial webpage.

    Photo supreme manual